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What Does Web Hosting Reseller Mean?

There are many ways of generating revenue on the Internet and one of them is to resell the shared hosting services provided by a particular hosting services provider. This offers vast options for everyone who wants to earn extra profit. There are several varieties of web hosting reseller services, based on the web hosting reseller's degree of involvement and, of course, on the hosting corporation that offers the hosting service. Before looking into that, let us first analyze

What is a web hosting reseller solution?

A web hosting reseller solution is a type of hosting user account, which enables the user to set up separate sub-accounts that can be offered to various customers. This is mostly carried out by supplying the user with access to a master web hosting reseller account, through which he can set up different hosting accounts utilizing the web storage space offered by the web hosting reseller plan, for which he pays a given charge. This is much like the shared web hosting solution and precisely like it, with most web hosting reseller programs, numerous reseller web hosting accounts share one single web server and are not provided with full root access to the web server config files. Such reseller web hosting programs are usually not that high-priced. However, they do bar the hosting resellers from distributing other types of web hosting solutions beside shared hosting packages.

Different kinds of web hosting reseller services

Apart from the abovementioned manner of web hosting reseller packages, there are also a few different setups that work just as fine. However, they differ with respect to the degrees of commitment and the amount of resources that each one of them presupposes. As already mentioned, the most popular method of reselling hosting solutions offers you restricted opportunities and you risk losing your money if things don't go well. Due to this reason, bigger web hosting firms such as ResellersPanel.com provide different modes of selling hosting accounts without the need to buy anything beforehand, or to even be responsible for the provision of customer and invoicing support. With their hosting reseller program, the reseller registers free of cost and designates his own retail prices for the hosting solutions, which are being offered straight from his web storefront. Because invoicing transactions are handled by ResellersPanel.com's staff, the user does not need to buy the hosting service in advance. He's only going to get the difference between the retail price and the wholesale price as a commission. The hosting reseller also has the chance to provide web hosting services such as VPS hosting, semi-dedicated hosting and dedicated hosting. More or less, his duty comes down to advertising the web hosting service and providing support to the end customers and with companies that do not demand preliminary installments and are responsible for the invoicing and customer support provision, the only duty left for the web hosting reseller will be to popularize his personal brand's web storefront. Another alternative will be to create different user accounts on a private virtual web hosting server, or on a dedicated web server. With the majority of hosting firms, you may get those two hosting services with a cPanel, DirectAdmin, or some different CP, already installed on them. That will enable you to set up different shared web hosting packages and exert absolute authority over both the clients and the hosting server itself. In addition, on a dedicated web server, you may set up separate private virtual web server accounts and sell them to your clients. One dedicated web server may host thousands of private virtual server accounts, based on the web server's architecture. This will allow you to offer a larger variety of hosting solutions to your clients, which will provide you with more possibilities when promoting your online storefront. Surely, utilizing a virtual server or a dedicated web hosting server for web hosting reseller purposes is much more costly than having a normal web hosting reseller user account. Therefore, this possibility should be considered only in case the web hosting reseller has sufficient knowledge and practice demanded to handle a server, otherwise it's recommended to either sign up for a standard web hosting reseller program, or for the abovementioned Free Reseller Program courtesy of ResellersPanel.com, which requests less participation from the web hosting reseller.